Magic TeeWorlds !

After a (very) long break, I'll try to resume the dev.

See you soon ! ;)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

MagicTW 1.4

 Hey !

This is the new version of MagicTW, with new features and improvements :)

    ¤ auto-spin is finally fixed : it works well :D
Write MagicTW_auto_spin to try it.

    ¤ MagicTW_hook_on is back (I forgot it in the teeworlds0.6.1 update). With this command, you can hook a wall without pressing any button.

    ¤ the messages displayed in console are improved. When you clone the nearest player's emotes, his name is displayed in the console. So you can know who you are copying.

    ¤ This feature is new, I announced it in the post about MagicTW 1.3 : it's a special characters features.
It now works for linux and windows, and allows you to display characters such as ⁂☆☘☬☯☮☠☢☣☻☺♡♥♫♲♱♰♿⚕⚛⚡✂✆✈✎✵❤⟳➡⬅ in the game.

To use any of these character, you have 2 ways of doing it :

MagicTW_special_characters_chat or MagicTW_special_characters_console.
This command must be followed by the name of the special character you want to use.
It will add the chosen character in the input field (either chat or console, depending which command you use).

For example, if you want to display a heart in the chat, open the console in the game (F1) and write :
" MagicTW_special_characters_chat heart ". If you were writing something in the chat, the character "♥" will be added at the end of the line. If you were not writing anything, the chat will open and the character will appear.

Here's the list of characters available :

heart : ♥
round_heart : ❤
empty_heart : ♡
star : ☆
3_stars : ⁂
shakti : ☬
yin_yang : ☯
peace : ☮
skull : ☠
radioactive : ☢
biohazard : ☣
black_smile : ☻
white_smile : ☺
note : ♫
recycling : ♲
east_syriac_cross : ♱
west_syriac_cross : ♰
wheelchair : ♿
medicine : ⚕
atom : ⚛
high_voltage : ⚡
scissors : ✂
telephone : ✆
airplane : ✈
pencil : ✎
8_pointed_star : ✵
circle_arrow : ⟳

Also available : diamond, club, spade, and lots of arrows ( right_arrow, up_arrow, left_arrow, down_arrow, up_right_arrow, up_left_arrow, down_right_arrow, down_left_arrow ).

I hope you'll enjoy it.

Have fun ;)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

MagicTW 1.3

Hey !
Version 1.3 is released : there is no new console commands, but :

- some previous commands have been improved
- when you use MagicTW_clone_skin_hammer and MagicTW_clone_emote_nearest, messages are displayed in the console to show the status of the command (active/inactive), with beautiful colors ;)

Actually, there is one new command, but it's only in the linux version, I'll add it later for windows. It allows the player to display special characters in the chat, such as : ⁂☆☘☬☯☮☠☢☣☻☺♡♥♫♲♱♰♿⚕⚛⚡✂✆✈✎✵❤⟳➡⬅

I still need to improve it and to add the same feature for the console. If you want to test it, type MagicTW_special_characters_chat in the console (linux version only).

Maybe a Mac version soon : work in progress ...

Enjoy :-)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Looking for ...

Hey !
I'm looking for someone using Mac, in order to compile a Mac version of the client.

If you're curious, this page explains how to compile the game. I can't do it myself because I have no Mac system ^^

If you're interested, please contact me :

Actually, I don't know if the linux version works with Mac. If you know something about it, please tell me :D

Saturday, September 24, 2011

MagicTW 1.2

Hi all, the version 1.2 is finally released :)

Main update : all the features from teeworlds 0.6.1  :D
I started all again from the beginning with the sources of the new teeworlds version, and I added the main features of MagicTW.

I also developed a version for linux 32-bit, I hope to get some feedbacks : please tell me if it works well or if there are bugs.

I was very busy last weeks, but I'll try to add new features to the client.

Have fun ^^

Friday, August 26, 2011

MagicTW 1.1

Hey all !
Some people really missed a spinbot and asked me to add it. Now it's done ;-)

Yet, I have never used a spinbot myself, so I don't know if this is exactly what you wanted. I just tried to do my best, in order to create something easy to use. In the game, you will see your character spinning, but the "target cross" won't turn around you, so you can easily aim with your mouse and shoot or hook where you want.

By the way, the command is MagicTW_auto_spin.

I'll try to post a video soon, and I planned some changes in the blog.
Have fun !

P.S. : I also fixed a bug with hammer cloning that made the game crash. My bad.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

MagicTW 1.0

Hey all !!
The last release was sooo long ago, I apologize for the delay, but since the last release I got connection problems and ... holidays ;)

Some people asked me to compile a version for linux 32 bits, I'll try to do it soon.

I would have loved to do something special for the version 1.0 release, but I decided not to make you wait longer. So here are the new features :

- When someone write your name in the chat, the whole message is highlighted. You can now change the color of the highlight with the command MagicTW_highlight_color.
The syntax is the following : " MagicTW_highlight_color r g b " where r, g and b are numbers from 0 to 255 corresponding to the values of red, green and blue.
I give you some examples and the corresponding colors :

" MagicTW_highlight_color 0 0 0 " => Black
" MagicTW_highlight_color 255 0 0 " => Red
" MagicTW_highlight_color 0 0 255 " => Blue
" MagicTW_highlight_color 255 255 255 " => White
" MagicTW_highlight_color 120 56 89 " => Purple

You can mix the colors and choose the one you like the most.

- The next command will help you to create loadable config file to save your name, skin, clan name, colors and country. While playing, just write the command MagicTW_save_skin followed by the name of the save file. If you want to come back to this config later, use the exec command to load the config file.

Example :

MagicTW_save_skin Nekko.txt
exec Nekko.txt

If you have some questions, don't hesitate, just ask =D

See you soon !

Thursday, June 2, 2011

MagicTW 0.9

This version is a correction of previous mistakes : features considered as cheats or banned by the developers of the game have been removed from the client.

The following features are concerned :
    - MagicTW_fire_on
    - MagicTW_auto_color
    - MagicTW_repeat_last_message

I'd add that I won't be available until next Monday. Since then, I'll try to find new features to add.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Unhappy people ...

I had today a little "argument" with fisted, who was very unhappy to know that I shared a modified teeworlds client with features such as the skin cloner. He also posted a comment here, that I won't delete. According to him, these features are funny only if a few people have it, only if it is "rare". Fisted created the same feature, used it, and gave it to his << trust friends >>. So the first problem I encountered is that I can't make all people happy, but I'll still try to please as many as possible.

This brings me to the second problem. There are a lot of players, and features such as the skin cloner are quite invasive. In the future, some features may be blocked by servers, or their efficiency may be severely diminished. It's totally normal, and I won't try to find ways round the bans. So if you want to keep playing with these features, do not be invasive !
As far as I'm concerned, I had some ideas of potential new features for the chat, but after considering it, they might be too invasive. I won't develop new features which could spam the chat, but I'll keep developing features to bring more fun to the game.

I can't prevent people from using MagicTW for the wrong purposes, just as the creator of DDRace can't prevent people from blocking others. Yet, DDRace is fun

And if you're angry because someone use the same skin than you, relax : it's just a game.

Monday, May 30, 2011

MagicTW 0.8

I had no school this morning, so I worked on MagicTW and I added a new feature : MagicTW_clone_emote_nearest

When you type this command in the local console (F1), it will search for the nearest player, and your character will copy all his emoticons. Even if you go far away from him, and even if he's not the nearest player anymore, you will still copy his emoticons.

If you type the command again, there are two cases :
    1) The nearest player is the same : it will deactivate the emote cloner.
    2) The nearest player is different : the emote cloner is till activated, but the target has changed, you copy now the emoticons of the "new" nearest player.

If you want to turn off the emote cloner, you can also write " MagicTW_clone_emote_nearest 0 " in the local console.
Have fun !

Sunday, May 29, 2011

MagicTW 0.7

Hi there ! A new version of MagicTW arrives with two new features for you :D

Someone asked me to add something to hold the hook when we press F1, just like it does when we're talking in chat. Since, I have worked on the controls and I created "hold" commands for firing and hooking :
    * MagicTW_fire_on => Your character will be firing / hitting with hammer until you write the command again, or until you press the shoot button.
    * MagicTW_hook_on => Your character will hold the hook until you write the command again, or until you press the hook button.

I spent more time trying to fix some issues than developing these features. Anyway, there are still two bugs I didn't fix (my bad).

With the first command, take care not to get banned because of hammer spamming ;-)
Known bug : even if you don't activate this feature, your hammer will be triggered by both pressing and releasing the bound key.

With the 2nd command, you can press F1, navigate in menus, go out to buy a pizza, or whatever, your character will keep hooking the wall. You don't have to press the chat button anymore(even if you can still do it this way). In some servers (for example, the "official" servers, running "official" maps with "official" mods), the trick with the chat doesn't work, but the command MagicTW_hook_on does.
Known bug : when you launch MagicTW_hook_on, it launches the hook (that's not the bug ^^) , but if you grab someone or if you miss a wall, your character will still think (s)he is hooked, even if the hook has been released. You may have to press twice the hook button to hook something again.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

MagicTW 0.6

I apologise for the delay, I had a lot of work these past days, but I took time today to end the feature I wanted to add : MagicTW_clone_skin_hammer.

The version 0.6 is now uploaded, you can get it from the homepage, in the Downloads section.

The command MagicTW_clone_skin_hammer is quite the same as MagicTW_clone_skin_nearest, but it is triggered when you hit someone with the hammer, or when someone hits you. To activate it, just write the command once in the local console (F1), and write it again to deactivate it.

This function was particularly difficult to create because the client doesn't know exactly who hit you, nor who you have hit. I could only get the coordinates of the hammer event (which causes particles to appear), and I had to compare it with the coordinates of the player. That's why it might result in some strange bugs if there are a lot of players very close. Don't hesitate to contact me if you detect a strange behavior.

Monday, May 23, 2011

MagicTW 0.5

This version fixes some bugs there were with v0.4 for windows & linux, such as the name copied with << NoAcc| >> , and the strange characters in the MagicTW_version for windows.

Furthermore, there is a new feature : MagicTW_auto_color.
The color of your skin will change every 5 seconds, among 10 different colors. Unfortunately, you won't be able to clone a skin because of the server time limit between two changes.

If auto_color is activated, just write the command MagicTW_auto_color once again in the local console (F1) to deactivate it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

MagicTW 0.4

Don't hesitate to talk about MagicTW around you, the more users there are, the more features I'll add. =)

If you want to know the version of MagicTW you're using, use the command MagicTW_version in the local console (F1). It will display the version and the URL of the blog.

The next version will fix the bugs I noticed (problem sometimes with names when cloning a skin, and strange character in MagicTW_version for windows users), and add one or two new features.

Since then, have fun !

MagicTW 0.3

This new version only add one new feature : the Parrot !
Type in the console MagicTW_repeat_last_message, and you'll automatically repeat the last message that was displayed in the chat, by a player or by the server, No matter the message is still visible or not.

You don't understand a single word of Russian ? Never mind, everybody will think you do ;-)

MagicTW 0.2

Finally ! It took me time but I succeeded in compiling a MagicTW version for Windows ! It's only a version for 32 bit, and I would like to have some feedbacks, it might work for 64 bit, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, I'll present here the new feature of the version 0.2 : the skin cloner !

There are two new commands for the local console (F1 in the game) :

  • MagicTW_clone_skin -followed by an integer- => In every server, each player is identified by an ID number, usually between 0 and 15. This number depends of how many players are present in the server, who was connected first, and lots of other unimportant things. If you know the id of a player, you can choose to clone his skin by typing (for instance, if the id is 2) : MagicTW_clone_skin 2. You'll copy his skin and his colors, but you'll keep your name, clan and country.
  • MagicTW_clone_skin_nearest => Far easier, by typing this command in the local console, you'll copy the skin and colors of the nearest player.
And don't forget the binds, they are very useful ;)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

MagicTW 0.1

As I write these lines, I have already released the version 0.4 of MagicTW, but I still need to explain how it works, and what it is ^^
As you may know (or not), teeworlds is an open-source project : you can get the source code of the game, modify it and compile it with your changes. If you're interested, you can learn more here.

With the source code, you can create your own server, add mods, and also create your own client and add the features you want. Yet, few people know how to do it, that's why I will share my client and add features to bring more fun to the game.

To play MagicTW, first download the file you need : top-left of the homepage.
Unzip the file and take a look at the folder MagicTW-0.x-xxx (it depends the file you need). There are 3 files:

  • license.txt : the official license of teeworlds, which will be in every version I share.
  • MagicTW : the binary/executable file. You have to copy it in the folder of the game, where the teeworlds executable is.
  • MagicTW.txt : just a short list of the added features. This file will be updated for each version. You don't need to keep it, but it can be useful if you want to know all the new features.
Now, I'm going to explain what is the new feature of the 0.1 version : the command MagicTW_send_info.
If you have read the two previous posts and if you're curious, you may have tested to execute a file to change your skin, your color, your name ... and you may have seen it doesn't work very well. You have to update it manually by changing at least one value in your settings.
But if you type MagicTW_send_info in the local console of the game (F1), the changes will update automatically. So, here is an example of configuration file to change your player :

player_country -1
player_clan ""
player_name MrLemon
player_skin pinky
player_color_feet 5419520
player_color_body 2883328
player_use_custom_color 1
emote 2

I don't think you need further explanations to understand these lines. If the name of the file is MrLemon.txt, you only have to type exec MrLemon.txt in the teeworlds console to become MrLemon. =)

By the way, you can see in the file the command MagicTW_send_info. You must write it after the player's changes, or the changes won't be updated automatically. The emote is not a player's change, you can write it after the update, it doesn't matter.

And to change even faster, you can bind a key to execute the file : bind o exec MrLemon.txt
You can create as many files as you want and bind as many keys as your keyboard has.

The next post will deal with the version 0.2 and the skin cloner ;-)

Edit: I made some tests and I found out that since teeworlds 0.6.0, the changes are automatically updated (even if it can take a while). Anyway, MagicTW_send_info was much appreciated in v0.5.2 to switch to the black skin (which has been removed in 0.6.0)without disconnect/reconnect. I guess I'll have to find an other use to the command, or remove it if it's useless xD

Tip # 2 : Exec command

If you have a lot of commands to type in the console, and if you want to use it often, the exec command is what you need.

Type in the console "exec mysettings.cfg" and the game will execute all actions that are in the file mysettings.cfg. You can create you own config file, just put it in the data folder of the game, and you can execute it.

There's no need to call your file something.cfg, you can use .txt or anything you want. Just be sure of the location of your file and its name when you type the command.

Now you just have to write your commands in the file, and you'll be able to change all your binds by pressing a single key, change your name, your skin, your clan, your colors (but the changes are only in your settings, you'll have to reload it manually by changing one value), ...

The next post will be the first about MagicTW, and will explain how to upload automatically your changes of skin, name, clan, colors ... when you change it through the console.

Until then, have fun !

Tip #1 : The binds

Here is a tip very useful to play faster : you can bind any key of your mouse & keyboard to an action.
The syntax is " bind name_of_the_key action_you_want_to_do ". Just write what you want in console (F1).

With binds you can say something in the chat, change your team, change your appearance, kill yourself, everything !

If you're curious, these are some examples :

bind p kill => kill yourself each time your press P
bind m say " Nekko is the best " =>  display the message << Nekko is the best >> each time you press M
bind a emote 2 => display little hearts around your player to show you're happy
bind r say "/r"
bind insert say "/emote happy 600"
bind kp1 dbg_stress 71

If you want to know the name of a key : Settings => Controls => change something and press your key to display its name.

If you want to remove all the binds you set, type "unbindall" in the console. ! WARNING ! : it will also remove the binds you use to move, shoot, jump, ...

License and boring things ...

I am not the creator nor the owner of teeworlds.
Here is the license of the game :
Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Magnus Auvinen
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not   claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be   misrepresented as being the original software.  
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
IMPORTANT NOTE! The source under src/engine/external are stripped libraries with their own licenses. Mostly BSD or zlib/libpng license but check the individual libraries.
With that being said, contact us if there is anything you want to do that the license does not premit.

To download the original version :

Next posts may be more interesting =)

Magic TeeWorlds !

Welcome to the blog !

In this place you'll find posts about Teeworlds, tips, videos, and ... the MagicTeeWorlds client !

MagicTW is a modified version of the game, adding lots of useful and funny features. I'll post videos and explanations for each new version.

I hope you'll like it  =)

See you soon !