Magic TeeWorlds !

After a (very) long break, I'll try to resume the dev.

See you soon ! ;)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

MagicTW 0.6

I apologise for the delay, I had a lot of work these past days, but I took time today to end the feature I wanted to add : MagicTW_clone_skin_hammer.

The version 0.6 is now uploaded, you can get it from the homepage, in the Downloads section.

The command MagicTW_clone_skin_hammer is quite the same as MagicTW_clone_skin_nearest, but it is triggered when you hit someone with the hammer, or when someone hits you. To activate it, just write the command once in the local console (F1), and write it again to deactivate it.

This function was particularly difficult to create because the client doesn't know exactly who hit you, nor who you have hit. I could only get the coordinates of the hammer event (which causes particles to appear), and I had to compare it with the coordinates of the player. That's why it might result in some strange bugs if there are a lot of players very close. Don't hesitate to contact me if you detect a strange behavior.


  1. very good blog nekko ! :D


  2. Cool, it seems to be great, but for me, on Linux, I cannot launch MagicTW....
    so, when I try to launch it, a file open with wright on : " �@@@�� (invalid encoding)
    What can I do ? Thanks =)

  3. Do you have enabled the execution permission of the file ? It should work, just copy the client in the folder of the game.

  4. Yes I have....
    And the file is in the folder of TW....

  5. It's strange ... I don't know why it doesn't work, sorry :(

    Maybe you could try to download it again.

  6. I think I know what's the problem...
    The Linux download is for a 64bit O.S... but me, i'm on a 32 bits linux...

    Don't ou have any file for 32 bits ? =)

  7. No I don't. But I had to emulate a windows system to create the .exe, maybe I could try to do the same for the linux 32bits version. I'll try it later.

  8. nekko im back ! :) everything work (when I hammer I change in the skin of my friend) but why everybody see me pink ?

    [FB] Bimb0

  9. Hey Bimb0 :)
    I don't know if that's what happens to you, but if you clone a special skin (one which is not in the default skins), players who don't have downloaded the skin see you with a default skin. However, players who have downloaded the special skin see you with this skin.
    If you were not trying to clone a special skin, I don't know what's happening ^^

  10. oh your right ! im whit a special skin thx and I got another question but I dont know if you know ! can I put magictw whit in one teeworld ?

    [FB] Bimb0

  11. I don't know, but if it is a teeworlds client, you can't put all the commands in one teeworlds :s

  12. :/ ok thx but for got some idea you can go to is littlebit like your site !

    [FB] BImb0

  13. Wie dowloade ich verion 0,6 für skin hammer?
