Magic TeeWorlds !

After a (very) long break, I'll try to resume the dev.

See you soon ! ;)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

MagicTW 1.5

Hey ! Long time no see ! :)

MagicTW v1.5 : I improved the auto_spin feature and I added 3 new commands, all working around the same feature : input recording. Furthermore, the client now remembers if you were using MagicTW_auto_spin and/or MagicTW_clone_skin_hammer when you last quit the game. For the auto_spin feature, it also remembers the speed and direction.

- You can now choose the speed and direction of the rotation, just add a number after the command MagicTW_auto_spin. The number (from -255 to 255) indicates the speed, it can be positive or negative.

Examples : MagicTW_auto_spin 0 => no spin
 MagicTW_auto_spin 1 => slow (clockwise)
 MagicTW_auto_spin -1 => slow (anticlockwise)
MagicTW_auto_spin 40 => fast (clockwise)

- You can now record input (from mouse and keyboard) with the 3 following commands :
MagicTW_record_input => Records the keyboard and mouse input
MagicTW_save_input => Save a recorded input in a file
MagicTW_load_input => Load a saved input

It means that if you record while jumping, moving, hooking and shooting, you can later replay the same moves. Because of server lagg, the display can be weird while playing a recorded input, but it can still be useful.

How to use it :
1) Open the console (F1) and write the command "MagicTW_record_input", press Enter, and GO, it's recording, you're losing time :)
For the time being, the record time is limited to 10 seconds (only). After 10 seconds, a message will be display in console to inform you that you reached the maximum size : MagicTW_record_input ⚡OFF⚡ , with a very cool debug message (that I forgot to remove xD) "taille max atteinte". Yes, it's french, it means "max size reached".
My bad :D
2) If you want to stop the record before the end of the 10 seconds, you can open the console and write again "MagicTW_record_input". The record will stop.
If you record something again, the first record will be lost. Yet, if you want to save it, you can use the MagicTW_save_input command :
MagicTW_save_input my_first_record.txt

3) You can load this input whenever you want with the command :

MagicTW_load_input my_first_record.txt

The MagicTW_load_input commands also allows you to read the input in loop : just add "1" (one) after the name of the file.
Example : 

MagicTW_load_input my_first_record.txt 1

The files will be written in the directory of the game. For 10 seconds, the size of the file is around 5-7kB.

It's quite hard to explain, but I'll try to make a video to show how it works. 
Keep playing the game, give me ideas for future features, and have fun ^_^