Magic TeeWorlds !

After a (very) long break, I'll try to resume the dev.

See you soon ! ;)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

MagicTW 1.6

Hey !
As I promised, the version 1.6 is here, though I intended to release it sooner. ^^

There is only one new feature : colors in the names.

To add some color to your name, just add :

\0 for WHITE
\1 for BLACK
\2 for RED
\3 for BLUE
\4 for GREEN
\5 for YELLOW
\6 for PURPLE
\7 for BROWN
\8 for ORANGE
\9 for PINK
For example, if I want to display "Nekko" in blue, I will set my name to : \3Nekko. The result will be : Nekko.

You can put several colors in your name :
\1Black\0&White => Black&White

The only limit is the max length of the name : 15 characters.

The color display will be activated by default. You can enable/disable it with the command MagicTW_display_name_color.

I worked hard to display the colors in different places in the game (nameplates , score board, kill messages, chat, server browser), but there are still some places where the colors won't be displayed (console, system messages in chat, ...). So don't be alarmed if you find your name with "\something".

I want you to bring happiness in the game ;-)
Have fun !

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Next feature to come ...

I'm working on v1.6, it should be released before the end of the week. I think I'll add only one new feature : colors in the names !

Here's a picture to show you :)

If you have ideas for this feature, you can leave messages in the comments =)
See you soon !
First MagicTW video : how to install MagicTW

I'd be glad to add translations for this video, but I don't speak other languages well enough, so, please give me yours =)